All the World is Sleeping
a film by Bold Futures
Tuesday, March 18
6:30pm screening-panel discussion to follow
Light Hall Theater
As a young girl in New Mexico, Chama strived to be different from her mother. Now in her 20s, she’s found herself falling into a similar cycle of generational addiction. This struggle threatens her balance as a mother to her own daughter. As Chama tries to keep it all together, a harrowing accident will spiral her out of control causing her daughter to be taken from her custody. With nothing left, she’ll have to confront her past in order to fight for a future — one that can either guide her closer to getting her daughter back or lead her deeper into this dangerous cycle.
Queva Hubbard is a dedicated advocate and support specialist, leveraging her personal experiences to uplift her community. As a Certified Peer Support Specialist and Comprehensive Community Support Worker in New Mexico, Queva has guided individuals through challenges similar to those she has faced, including incarceration, addiction, and family separation.
Her extensive experience spans roles such as Peer Mentor, Case Manager, and the Director of Client Services in Albuquerque-area agencies. Queva’s work centers on fostering growth, stability, and hope. She firmly believes that with support, individuals can overcome trauma and thrive.
A passionate voice for social change, Queva has advocated nationwide on issues like mass incarceration, criminal justice reform, and social injustice. She serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for Crossroads for Women, collaborating with community professionals to support women’s empowerment.
Currently pursuing a social work degree at New Mexico Highlands University, Queva is committed to breaking down barriers for others through education and advocacy. Her motto reflects her guiding philosophy: “Where there is support, there is less trauma.”
Sequaria Asbury is a passionate and dedicated advocate who is a devoted to her career as Peer support specialist both locally and on the national level, supporting families and empowering youth within her community. Sequaria has emerged as a leading voice in advocating for equal rights and systemic change for those in her community, particularly those navigating the day to day challenges of today’s multi-systems.
Sequaria utilizes her firsthand experience to promote her empathetic approach and trauma informed care training to fostering a safe spaces where people can share their experiences without judgment, allowing for genuine healing and growth. She actively engages with youth, providing mentorship and guidance that empowers them to find their voices and advocate for their needs. Through workshops, group sessions, and one-on-one interactions, she equips young people with skills and strategies to navigate the complexities of their environments, instilling confidence and self-advocacy.
Sequaria’s dream is to open a center for HOPE with H.O.P.E standing for Helping Other People Elevate!
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